Ricardo III has turned into the most premiered performance of Atalayas career since its beginning. After its première on 28th of April, 2010 in the Lope de Vega Theater in Seville, the staging received the Premios Escenarios de Sevilla for Best Performance and Best Actor (Jerónimo Arenal) in fall the same year. The closing of the season 2010/11 resulted in the production Ricardo III of Atalaya winning the Award for Best Performance of the season in the Rojas de Toledo Theater. A week later Jerónimo Arenal as Best Actor and Joaquín Galán, who is also an actor of Atalaya, for the Best Stage Design, succeeded at the XXXII Festival Town of Palencia.
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Ricardo III was the first tragedy and one of the greatest successes of Shakespeare since its première of Hamlet together with Julia and Romeo, and turned into one of his most represented works. Shakespeare based its work literally on the history about King Richard III, Duke of Gloucester and member of House York, during the civil war in England, also known as Wars of the Roses. This war brought the two most important families of the United Kingdom into conflict: the Lancaster and the York, who fought for the absolute power over Great Britain. Ricardo, who is physically deformed and therefore excluded from the court life, decides to become a villain and kill for reaching his goal of being the crowned king of the United Kingdom.
After winning the Premio Nacional de Teatro in 2008 this performance was the first one of Atalaya and rounded off the first twenty-five years of its existence. With Ricardo III the four styles, which Atalaya has been alternating in the previous 18 shows, come together within one language: the surrealistic Lorca dream, the grotesque of Valle-Inclán and Maikovski, the telluric strength of the Greek Tragedy and the avant-garde and political compromise of Heiner Müller. One can say that if the classic Greeks have added the blood to our language, Valle and Lorca the lungs, Heiner Müller the nerve system, meanwhile Atalaya found its heart, which gives life and sense to the inner and outer existence, in Shakespeare.
In Ricardo III a score of characters show up, portrayed by nine actors of the Atalaya ensemble. Since the beginning of the eighties, when Carmen Gallardo co-founded the group, the ensemble has been incorporated by the stable core actors in the nineties and two thousands. Among them Jerónimo Arenal, who fulfilled his first 1,000 performances with Atalaya and portrayed Ricardo III in the same year of its premiere after 15 years of continuous work for the company.
Artistic Team
Nazario Díaz
Rivers / Catesby / Richmond
María Sanz
Isabel / Príncipe de Gales
Raúl Vera
Clarence / Stanley
Manuel Asensio
Eduardo IV / Alcalde / Tyrrell
Silvia Garzón
Lady Ana / Hija de Clarence
Joaquín Galán
Buckingham / Ractliffe
Carmen Gallardo
Margarita / Asensio / York (Niño)
Jerónimo Arenal
Ricardo III
Lidia Mauduit
Duquesa de York
- Música: Luis Navarro
- Vestuario: Carmen de Giles
- Escenografía: Joaquín Galán y Vicente Palacios
- Dirección coral: Esperanza Abad
- Taller de verso: Will Keen
- Realización de escenografía: Damián Romero y Alquivira
- Maquillaje y peluquería: Manolo Cortés
- Fotografía: Luis Castilla
- Grabación de música: Master & Myster
- Técnico de luz: Alejandro Conesa
- Técnico de sonido: Emilio Morales
- Técnico de mantenimiento: Sergio Bellido
- Contabilidad: Rocío de los Reyes
- Producción y distribución: Victoria Villalta
- Producción y comunicación: Mª Paz López Millón
- Gestión: Teresa Martínez
- Ayudante de dirección: Lidia Mauduit y Sario Téllez
- Dirección y adaptación: Ricardo Iniesta