Juana Casado is a dancer, choreographer and the director of the theatre AndanZas. She studied dance, graduating at the Conservatory of Madrid. Then, she increased her studies in Italy and France with a scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and the foundation Fundación Autor. Furthermore, she was educated as director of the scene in the RESAD in Madrid.
For sixteen years she worked as a dancer, being part of the Antonio Grades Ensemble for thirteen years. Thus, she participated in the creation of the shows “Carmen”, “Bodas de Sangre” (blood wedding), “El Amor Brujo” and “Fuenteovejuna”, performed in the most prestigious theatres of the world.
Juana Casada has served as assistant director in the Festival de Plite, Almagro, Olmedo and CDN in Madrid. She has directed the works “Ligazon” by Valle Inclán and “Silencio” by Harold Pinter for the L´Skene company, funded by herself, being premiered in the Certamen de Directoras de Torrejón de Ardoz 2006 for directing the work “Medea” by Jean Anouilh.
Besides, she directed the children´s theatre staging “Edouard de Morón”, Premio Arte Joven de Teatro 2006, for the company Siglo XXI of the RESAD, “Little Brook” by Irene Mazariegos, Premio Accesit 2006, “María Teresa León y Exorcismo” in the theatre Conde Duque.
She created the choreographies of Fuenteovejuna, directed by Laurence Boswel, Desde Toledo a Madrid by Carlos Aladro, and Donde hay Agravios no hay Celos, directed by Ignacio Sánchez García.
In 2012, she wrote and directed Despertamos within the European “Caravan Next” project, due to which she toured five European countries. The same year Aleluya Erotica, directed by Juana Casado, won three Giraldillos.
Her career continued, being connected to TNT, by her directing La Dame aux Camélias (2013), Fedra (2015) and Aleluya Erótica, Última Parada and Amazonas (2014) for AndanZas.
Being a teacher she taught in Italy, France and Madrid. She was given the title teacher of dance and stage directing while being part of ESAD in Castilla y León, in Valladolid. Furthermore, she is collaborator of the SM publishing in her position as choreographer of educational dance.