Ricardo Iniesta

Ricardo Iniesta



He comes from Madrid , where after a first experience in the “Teatro de agit prop” during the francism with the universitarian group La Guadaña- Ricardo Iniesta was at the head Of Lejania Theatre since 1979, he founded in Seville (1983) ATALAYA with whom he has directed all their shows. He devises and create in 1994 Territorio Nuevos Tiempos (New Times Territory) (TNT), first private investigation. pedagogy, and theatrical production centre in Andalucia. Both have been included in the emerging red of European theatrical Laboratories that holds the European program “European theatrical laboratories as cultural Innovators”  with other four theatre companies: Odin Teatret (Denmark), Teatre du Soleil (France), Grotowski Center (Poland) and TTB (Italy).

Ricardo Iniesta’s education is sustained in the direct learning with Eugenio Barba and Odin Theatre since 1979, oriental techniques of different theatrical traditions, bretchian methodology- from the work done at the Berliner Ensemble in 1985-, Meyerhold’s byomechanic and Rudolf Laban’s methodology.

But according to his words, the biggest part of his education its owned to the colleagues with whom he has worked in Atalaya for so long: Carmen Gallardo, Javier Centeno, Paco Gil, Cristina Samaniego, Jerónimo Arenal, Aurora Casado, Sario Téllez, Joaquin Galán, Marga Reyes, Silivia Garzón…

Performances directed

2008 Ariadna versión of Carlos Iniesta. Coproduction CAT-Atalaya . Prize XXV Mostra de Ribadavia.

2006 Three pennies Opera of Bertolt Brecht. Biennal production of Atalaya with INAEM and Junta de Andalucía. Prize EL PUBLICO to the Scenic Arts.

2004 Medea . Coproduction of Atalaya with the L Festival of Mérida and the Artcarnumtum Festival of Viena, Junta de Andalucía and INAEM of the Culture Minstry. Best Show award. Best direction to Ricardo Iniesta, Best costumes for Carmen Giles and best acoustic space room at the theatre fair of the south of Palma del Rio.

2004 Audience Awward to Best Show and Judges Award to Best Show at the International Fair of Aragon 2004. Finalist at the MAX and ADE award- to Best Director- 2006

2002 El Público (The audience) by Federico García Lorca. Bienal production of Atalaya with INAEM and Junta de Andalucía

2000 Exiliadas(Exiliated)by Borja Ortiz de Gondra. Bienal production of Atalaya with INAEM and Junta de Andalucía. Escena Award 2000 y Ciudad de Palencia Award 2002 al Best Director.

1998 Divinas Palabras (Divine words)by  Valle Inclán Bienal production of Atalaya and Junta de Andalucía. Ercilla Award to Best dramatic direction. Best direction Award .at the Fair of the South.

1998 De Cádiz a Cuba. La mar de flamenco(From Cadiz to Cuba. The sea of flamenco) Scenic Direction of this musical show by Mario Maya, presented in the X Flamenco Biennale 

1996 Elektra . Producción Bienal Atalaya-Junta de Andalucía-Ministerio de Cultura. Premio Festival Internacional de El Cairo 2001. Premio al Mejor Espectáculo Andaluz.

1994 So Let Five Years Pass. Second versión.

1994 The left ear of Van Gogh. Antonio Álamo

1992 Description of a picture. Heiner Müller

1991 Reflections.

1990 Hamlet-machine. Heiner Müller

1988 The rebelión of Objects. Maiakovski

1986 So let five years pass. Federico García Lorca

To the previous awards need to be added the “Antero Guardia 2009” Award , received nominally from Ubeda’s council and of course the National Theatre Prize given  to Atalaya and TNT in 2008.

As a pedagogue he has done workshops since 1982 in plenty of different countries around the globe. From Australia to Argentina. He rules the TNT International Laboratory and teaches on it the “Staging” class.

He has wrote numerous articles and collaborations in “El Pais” , “El correo de Andalucia” “Ade” “Primer Acto”, “Yesca” “La union del pueblo” and “El correo del Pueblo”. All of them newspapers and he was cultural editor in the last three ones.

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